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It's Back-End Tech, Not A Feature

Hi. We're Psychedelic Games. We're an indie studio creating Golden Tides, a pirate-themed,  free-to-play action MOBA. If you're into games like League of Legends, PUBG, or Sea of Thieves, we may be right up your alley.

We're creating a game we ourselves love to play and think breathes some life into genres that have stagnated over the past decade or so. We're also hardcore competitive gamers that hate pay-to-win bullshit and other anti-competitive systems that exploit players or lock them into platform ecosystems.

We've all spent tons of money on skins, announcer packs, deck boards, and other stuff in games we eventually stopped playing, leaving us with an account that doesn't get used that's full of unlocked goodies that we can't even give to a friend, let alone sell to recoup the $25 we spent on Pulsefire Ezreal after a five-game losing streak. All that stuff becomes a sunk cost eventually.

That's why we're building a secondary market alongside the game itself. In other games, you're essentially renting your skins, but in ours, you truly own them. We hope you play Golden Tides forever, but if you don't, you've got the option to sell what you bought to someone else.

It's like Pokemon cards. When you purchase cards you can resell them after because you own them. Only in our case, you're buying and selling in-game cosmetic items, not OP tournament-banned Squirtles or something.

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When we set out to build this market, we needed a technical solution that would do a few things:

After considering our options, we ended up deciding Web3 tech was the best option for this market. To access the secondary market you'll need to interact with Web3 tech.